Study to generate a differentiating model

Consultancy in Almería with international projection

Grupo Desarrolla, specialized in business consultancy project management, has carried out this study for FAEEM (Almeriense Foundation for Business Excellence), and financed by EOI (School of Industrial Organization) through European social funds.

We want to take advantage of the Blog of the Grupo Desarrolla to synthesize in the following lines the conclusions of a work that has taken months of research, analysis, surveys …

Great Challenges

All the figures certify that tourism is one of the most generating activities of wealth and employment in the Spanish mainstream economy, but it is also true that the profile of the “ tourist client ” is changing profoundly and new models of products and offers appear that show that it is no longer enough to have good resources (and Almería has them with its climate and natural environment).

What this study has found is that there are two major challenges to be faced, and that it must be done quickly and decisively with the close collaboration of both public and private initiatives. These challenges are: offer a differentiating product and mitigate the effects of seasonalization.

Marketing and Communication

If you create a model supported by a suitable brand, the differentiation would make Almeria stand out as the preferred destination and place us in the commercial framework with arguments of value much more solid than price.

If a model is generated that does not depend so much on the conditions of the summer (typical in the current product based on the “sun and beach” model), a better segmentation of customers can be made, and the companies benefited by the tourism would have continuity in their activities to focus on improving quality and generate complementary offer for specific profiles.

The answer to both strategies may be in the senior market, as it is the fastest growing segment of the European population, with marked changes in attitude and economic stability.

The opportunities for generating real economy not only appear because of the characteristics of the identified market niche, but because it would be based on a