Business Intelligence

Desarrolla Group

A Business Challenge

The world of business has its foundation in making strategic decisions, what makes the difference between a successful company and another that does not, is the correct and timely decision making. To be able to carry this out in the best way, it is essential to have the right information and in time to support the entire management of the company’s operations in an agile and fast way.


What are the Business Intelligence Systems for the Desarrolla group?

From Desarrolla Consultores, we understand the implementation of Business Intelligence technologies as the development of projects that seek to improve access to company data, its transformation into information, and subsequently convert this information into knowledge, which will serve as the basis for a efficient decision making in the company.

If we want a & nbsp; Business Intelligence system & nbsp; to be successful, we have to treat it as a technology focused on “Decision making” and not as a simple visualization tool that facilitates easy access to existing information. This supposes a “very important implication on the part of the client” for the success of the project

What are the benefits of implementing BI?

  • Facilitates analysis and greater knowledge of your business
  • Reliable and structured information in real time
  • Oneness of information (all comes from the same data source)
  • Obtaining indicators difficult to obtain with traditional tools
  • Help in making effective decisions

Related Services

  • Economic Diagnosis – Financial
  • Outsourcing of Economic Directorate-Financial
  • Implementation of Management Tools
  • Business valuation
  • Analysis of investment projects
  • Accompaniment search for alternative financing

Frequent questions

Why is the current situation leading companies to implement BI systems?

In an environment as changing as it is unstable, it is essential to take advantage of opportunities or face threats quickly. For this reason, controlling as much information as possible to be able to foresee these fluctuations is of great importance. Intuition, although necessary, is not enough: data is needed.

How is your organization’s data converted into useful information?

BI systems connect the raw data of their management systems and adapt them to the information needs of the company by defining indicators, reports and dashboards that help the organization in the management.

Is it a saving to implement a BI system?

BI systems show the key information of your company quickly, easily and intuitively. This will allow your organization to save time in the preparation of reports and processing of information and will provide the Management with agility for decision making.